Tammy's Blog

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another update-lol

25 Random Things About Me
ok here goes:1. Being a mother has to be the Best Achievement in my life- my girls are the true Love of my life, I have never known a love like this before!2. I am a "coupon clipper" I use coupons every chance I get - think I got it from my grandmother- so much fun to know I saved on an item- makes me feel good to know I got a "deal" 3. I work at Christian concerts- Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman, Bethany Dillon, Aaron Shust, Tony Nolan, Josh Bates, Shane & Shane, Brent Vernon, etc... and have been fortunate (blessed) to call a lot of these people my friends.4. I so love Wheel of Fortune and am pretty good at it- my family keeps saying I should try to get on-lol.5. I am fortunate to have my dream car- a 2005 Black Mustang GT.6. I finally live in a real HOUSE we bought in 2007 for the first time in my life and have yet to feel "At home" since we have moved in- still trying to achieve that goal everyday -pray for me!7. I love to take pictures with a passion and have passed it on to my youngest daughter.8. I have so many wonderful friends but we go months without seeing each other and I wish that were different.9. I had a brain tumor -January 2nd 08 I was flown to UAB they said another 2 hours and I would not have lived - I was slipping into a coma.10. I do not remember from Dec. 28th of 99 until mid May 2000 because of the tumor! (probably a good thing - brain surgery and all)11. They prepped my family at UAB for grievence as the doctors said there was "no hope". My girls never give up and knew that God was more than my hope.12. In March of 2001- I had a MRI and am tumor free!!!13. I thank God for everyday he gives me with my family and to worship him! I do not ever want to forget the Miracles that have occured in my life- me Tumor Free my daughter Seizure Free- WOW!!14. One of the best feelings in the world is knowing I had some part in making Chris (hubby) happy in some way shape or form.15. My husband is a preacher (as of January 11th 2003) and we renewed our wedding vows on our 14th wedding anniversary (Nov. 9, 2003) a very beautiful day!16. I have severe arthritis and have had two hip surgeries including a total hip replacement due to the steroids the doctors put me on in hopes to reduce the tumor- however they did not help me at all with the tumor and took longer to come off of that to try out.17. I started volunteering with the Arthritis Foundation after being diagnosed and kicked off our walk in Gadsden as the "Honoree" and told my story.18. I love to sing in the car (with my girls)19.I loved having the priviledge of being VBS director the past two years and having someone saved this past year was the biggest blessing ever!!20. I have had migraines since the age of 5 but since the tumor they have increased to sometimes multiple times a week but I feel like I am always trying some new medicine to get them under control... UHHHH!!21. Coke over Pepsi but new addiction Mr Pibb ZERO SOO hard to find but tastes great! 22. I used to faint at the thought or site of a shot but since my tumor they don't bother me- Thank God23. I share the same initials with my youngest daughter T.L.S. and my oldest daughter shares initials exept for the middle with my hubby C.S. 24. I chose my daughters middle name after my mothers maiden name Aaron- love it!25. I feel sometimes like I am truly the most blessed person on earth with such amazing God loving girls- they teach me so much more than I could ever teach them I truly feel so blessed.
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December 15, 2008 - Monday
Check out this video: Casting Crowns - I Heard The Bells On Chirstmas Day Current mood: blessed
Check out this video: Casting Crowns - I Heard The Bells On Chirstmas Day Seeing these guys in person again when I was working the WorldVision Booth at the Birmingham concert... "still in AWE" is all I have to say this song is playing in my head ALL THE TIME. what a blessing everyone in this group is to me they have all played a spiritual part in my life that I would not trade for anything - if you have not heard them please go to their site and check them out- www.castingcrowns.com I truly believe they can bless you too! You can also listen/watch Marks amazing devotions on there or link to their Youtube. God bless, Enjoy!
Currently listening : Peace on Earth By Casting Crowns Release date: 2008-10-07
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July 15, 2008 - Tuesday
God is Good All the Time Category: Life
Well life is Awesome ... God is so good, This past Friday we took our youth at our church and got them season passes for Alabama Adventures we had a ton of fun, I would like to say everyone was great and we didn't have any problems but technically well we have some who need to learn how to act in public... but anyway overall it was great, a blessing. And today was a Great day, we started off our day by going to Camp Sonrise this week is the preteen camp but today (Monday) they had Brent Vernon back and he was great as always, when I got home I got a call from a guy at church who has been planning to connect my tanning bed and praise the Lord he came over and tonight was soooo great laying in my own tanning bed for the first time in 10 months So refreshing, after I came in me and the girls actually done a little bit of exercize - I walked on the treadmill 20 minutes used my ball for some exercize and did some weights, Courtney worked on the Gazelle for a while too, We had a good night and I so love having my tanning bed- it truly is beginning to feel like HOME.
Currently listening : a thousand pictures By Brent Vernon
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June 11, 2008 - Wednesday
JESUS SAVES! Category: Life
Yes Jesus Saves! I am so soooooooooooo proud to announce that last night at our VBS we had a young girl Saved by the Grace of God. As a 2nd year for me directing this is a blessing in so many ways, I was just a bit down yesterday a our numbers dropped from the night before - only about 10 but last year we increased every night, so I am so Happy to say if I am just there for that one- it is more than worth it, God is in control and I am proud to be working for him. Ain't God Good?
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June 7, 2008 - Saturday
Health Update
Okay for all of those out there who actually read my blog.... LOL I wanted to update you on the "problems" I have had lately, Okay first of all the ovarian cyst I went to the GYN for it, I didn't care for this particular GYN, first time I had seen her, but anyway she let me know that well once I go through a normal menstral cycle that it very possibly could get rid of it... ??? I don't have any idea how it works but she said continue on the meds I normally take for infammation and pain and it will help which I have had my doubts for example when I am practically bending over with pain! And the Carpal Tunnel, first of all I have not heard from the DR who ordered the tests- I am frustrated because the Dr's who came in when I had the tests both explained to me that mine is Very Severe and I need surgery ASAP, to make sure I talked to someone within the week, but yesterday I happen to be at my orthopedic doctor who done my hip surgeries and he talked to me about it He can do my surgery - does 3-4 a week and said he would set it up then if I wanted him to, but I explained to him that about a week ago I bought two of those splints that actually have 2 pieces of metal in them to make me not be able to turn my wrists downward at all, so I am wearing them at night and the last few nights I have not been waking up in the horrible pain I have been having and so he said it actually is possible for the Carpal Tunnel to subside or I guess get under control that if I wanted to try the splints a little longer he thought it was a great idea, and so I am very hopeful, keep me in your prayers, I know God can take care of all my problems and God is in control. But do keep me in your prayers tomorrow night I start my VBS, I am directing again this year... Cosmic City, I am praying for a good turnout and alot of help because this year Help is hard to come by I am still short one teacher, and up until a few hours ago I was taking the pictures, so it may be a week of this director Multitasking, but I know God will provide. God bless.
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May 30, 2008 - Friday
another test- ovarian cysts? Category: Life
Okay I am extremely anxious Nervous whatever u want to call it, at 1:30 today I have to have another test but this on is just an ultrasound.. I have been in pain for quite a few days now and my doctor thinks it is an ovarian cyst... I have to drink 32 ounces of water and NOT go to the bathroom... oh that sounds easy NOT, I am extrememely ready for this to be over with I mean drinking a whole lot of water and not going to the bathroom, a bit scary after the girl passed away trying to hold hers for a WII system that time, I am thinking she drank like gallons at a time though but you know it still dont make me feel any better. Between the hands and everything that has went on lately I feel like I am a wreck. I know God will get me through it he always does but everyone pray for me to not go crazy, I still haven't heard when I am going to have my surgery for the carpel tunnel, UHHH if it's not one thing its two, lol. God bless everyone.
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May 22, 2008 - Thursday
Praying for Chapman family- We Love You!
NASHVILLE, TN...5/21/08... At approximately 5pm on the afternoon of Thursday May 21st, Maria Sue Chapman, 5 years old and the youngest daughter to Steven and Mary Beth Chapman was struck in the driveway of the Chapman home in Franklin, TN. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital in Nashville, transported by LifeFlight, but died of her injuries there. Maria is one of the close knit family's six children and one of their three adopted daughters.
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May 21, 2008 - Wednesday
Well for a few months now I have been having horrible trouble sleeping and just miserable with pain in my hands - and I recently went to my doctor and told him all about it and he said he was 100% sure it was Carpal Tunnel - that he just needed to know to what degree so we can start working on how to take care of it... I was blown away from the thought of having it but eager when he referred me to a specialist where I would be taking tests to find out more about it - 1st of all he told me the tests aren't very bad- he had had them done and all they do is send SHOCKS in my hand and arm maybe... OK I was a little concerned but thought ok the pain I go through is much worse than any shocks, HELLO- -I get there ofcourse wondering what is going to happen Yes there were SHOCKS UHHH they hurt (aka Nerve Conduction Study) - it was weird seeing it happen and feeling it - my hand kept jumping, but then and they warned me when I asked they told me they were going to be putting a small needle in the bad areas (aka- Needle EMG Test) and sure enough he put it right in the worst part of my hand - on the thumb kind of and that pain is just unexplanable but OMGoodness it was horrible - he had to literally dig around with the needle in the muscles to see which ones were "affected". Well I am proud to say I survived this and found out that my carpal tunnel is VERY severe to the point they said if I did not have the surgery soon I would loose my feeling and my hands would go limp and be useless, I have been through a lot in the past 8 yrs, brain surgery, two hip surgeries including a total hip replacement, 6 months of my mouth being completely numb, but for some reason this hit me really hard when they told me this I was expecting to find out what meds I could take to help with the problem and get back to "normal" but I was floored, when I walked out of the office I was shaking my teeth were even chattering literally because I was all of a sudden scared like crazy, I felt like I couldn't breathe - I had to go into the bathroom and literally wet my face with cold water and just sit for a few minutes so that I could think straight - I don't know why it hit me so hard but it did and I wanted to find out what needed to be done but I didn't realize how bad it had gotten , I know when I burn that hand on the stove or whatever I don't realize it quickly - I barely feel it... which he showed me by using a broken stick- toothpick it looked like and ran it across my hand I couldn't tell it was sharp or anything- Scary! I don't have the reflexes I should have I guess... I first started getting concerned when I was even having shoulder pain it was going up that far- ofcourse it being my Left side I started thinking Heart attack but because it was happening when I was at "rest" that took that out of the picture, then the other arm was also hurting- Relief! God will get me through this I know it, Everyone please just keep me in your prayers, thanks so much and I will update on here - they said if I didn't hear from my doctor within a week to set up the surgery to call him. God bless
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April 20, 2008 - Sunday
DASH Category: Life

This was my husbands devotion this morning and it is so true - I want my dash to count!!
Have you ever been to the grave yard and looked at the head stones. They all have a birth year a death year and a dash. Like (1900-1980) The dash in the middle is the most important part. It is not the birth year or the year we past it is the dash that will tell our story of our life. The dash is the time between birth and death.If you think about a dash it is not much, the bible tells us our life is but a vapor and it is gone. What will you do for Christ in your life time. Think about your love ones that have passed and what do you remember about them. It is not their car or how much money they had. It is the love of Christ they showed with their life. I want to be remember for showing the Love of Christ in all I do and say.
What will your dash say?
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